This May, Simon provided free CPR and defibrillator training to the Walkers and Talkers group at Gloucestershire Cricket Club. Inspired by this training, the group went on to raise an impressive £5,500 to support making defibrillators more accessible in the community.
Thanks to the Walkers and Talkers' outstanding fundraising efforts, a new defibrillator was installed this week outside the Southmead Health Centre entrance. This life-saving device will now be available 24/7 for anyone at or near the health centre to use in case of a cardiac emergency.
Simon would like to extend his sincere thanks and congratulations to the Walkers and Talkers group. It is through grassroots community efforts like theirs that we can work together to make health resources more readily available where they are needed most. Simon applauds the group for taking action after his CPR and defibrillator training to make a real difference in improving health outcomes. Great work!
See the Walkers and Talkers Facebook post below: