Community Public Access Defibrillator (CPAD) at the Cotswold
Shire News (Sep 2021)
We made contact recently with Simon Brookes, a former PT Instructor in Royal Marines Reserve and Community First Responder (CFR) for South Western Ambulance Service Trust, who have installed 17 CPADs around the city plus ours. 5 of those installed were put to use in a very short time. It will be installed on the wall at the front of the building so will have 24-hour access.
There are a considerable number of older people on the Cotswold Estate and a CPAD could prove vital in saving someone's life. "Minutes make a huge difference in a crisis situation and life expectancy drops by 10% per minute whilst an arrest victim receives no help." We shall be holding a training session once the CPAD is installed.
Photo of finished installation:

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