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  • Defibs4Bristol

No. 37 Now Live - The Whitchurch Pub

Simon of Defibs4Bristol Unveiling the new Defibrillator with Liam the pub landlord at The Whitchurch Pub

We are pleased to announce that our 37th defibrillator, funded by Defibs4Bristol and supported generously by the public under the guidance of Simon Brookes, has gone live at the Whitchurch Pub, a busy Greene King establishment frequented by locals.

Selecting the Whitchurch Pub as our latest installation site was a strategic decision, driven by its central position in a bustling residential area, making it an optimal location for emergency medical access.

The pub's landlord Liam, recognised the critical importance of hosting a defibrillator, stepping up to not only facilitate the installation with Greene King management, but also to commit to covering the ongoing costs and consumables.

A huge thank you goes to Liam for his proactive involvement and to Gary, our dedicated electrician and fitter, who expertly managed the installation amid the lively atmosphere of the pub without disrupting the service.

We're also very grateful to local councillor Tim Kent for recommending this perfect location to make this project possible.

And finally, thank you, you! Your local donations can make a significant impact, helping to save lives right here in the city of Bristol. Every contribution, no matter the size, supports vital life-saving initiatives throughout our community.

A photo of the Whitchurch Pub with the newly installed defibrillator

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