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  • Defibs4Bristol

43rd Defibrillator Installed at Cotham Hill

We’re pleased to announce the installation of our 43rd defibrillator at the Men's Hire shop on the corner of Pitville Place and Cotham Hill, a bustling area with a busy day and night-time economy.

While there’s already a defibrillator at Clifton Down Shopping Centre, Cotham Hill’s partly pedestrianised nature can make it difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate, making this new location particularly vital.

The first challenge was finding a spot with easy access to a power supply. Thankfully, Jayne at Men's Hire stepped up and agreed to host the defibrillator on her premises. She also connected Simon of Defibs4Bristol with "Simon the community bloke," who has been instrumental in liaising with local businesses to support this initiative.

This defibrillator is part of Defibs4Bristol's stock, acquired through a recent government grant. Simon the community bloke is now actively raising funds to support the project, and Mike from the local coffee shop has taken on the responsibility of being the defibrillator's guardian.

Simon of Defibs4Bristol with new defibrillator guardian Mike in Cotham Hill, Bristol
Simon of Defibs4Bristol with new guardian Mike!

We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Jayne, Simon, Mike, and Gary the electrician, who swiftly installed the device. Their combined efforts have ensured that this vital life-saving equipment is now available to the community, enhancing safety for everyone in the area.

We look forward to continuing our work with the community as we expand our network of defibrillators across Bristol.

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